Transform Your Style, Transform Your Life

You want to collaborate with a stylist because you want your external image to match who you feel you are on the inside.

Throughout my years of brand consulting, I saw a major missing element in the space: people wouldn’t use their style strategically. Most didn’t even know their style, which silently killed their business by affecting their confidence.


When it comes to brand strategy, style isn’t talked about enough. You are always selling yourself, whether you’re an entrepreneur, a creative artist or an executive. A lack of understanding of your style undermines your identity.

You never know when you're going to meet someone (ie. next partner, business collaboration, client), it could be out at dinner, on vacation or a business event. So being intentional about your external presentation will make you confident to put yourself out there and are always ready for the first impression!

Whether you're becoming more visible through speaking engagements, getting a brand shoot done, having high level client meetings OR you just want to look & feel your best every single day, let's transform your style so you're feeling like a vibe!

I'll style you for everything from work trips to vacations and everything in between.


Fashion is a way to be fully aligned: mind, body, spirit. It’s a projection of your confidence.


"Using clothing as an outlet, I've gotten back to my 'conquer the world' self. Public speaking and personal confidence have never been better."

Fashion is the quickest way to embody your next level self.

When you know your unique vibe and understand how to articulate your style, you not only look incredible but become magnetic.

My unique value proposition is to not only make you look good but have you feeling like a vibe so you’re getting a serious ROI on your style!


Strategic Style

Style is strategic. Or at least the way I look at it.


Fashion as a Networking Tool:

Like talking about the weather, fashion is an easy way to break the ice. You never know when you’re going to meet the right person, be it a client, collaborator, business partner, next-level friend, or partner. Your vibe (and style) will attract your type of person. Use it as a connection piece where the right person will be more inclined to compliment you on your ostrich feather sandals. There’s your in! Have a genuine conversation, see where it goes, and exchange info! You never know what that could lead to.

Fashion as a Manifestation Hack:

When you’re looking to level up, everyone always says to “act as if” you already are her/him but tbh, I sometimes find that to be a little difficult without some kind of visual. So, I turned to what I know: fashion. I started using my fashion as a manifestation tool and dressed as if I was her. You already know who you’re wanting to become, so next time you’re visualizing her/him, pay attention to what you’re wearing. Then, go get the outfit! When you dress like her/him, you can actually SEE that you are them already. It’s tricking your brain into thinking you’ve already arrived (which you have).


Fashion as an Energy Source:

Even if you don’t know your style and feel like you have nothing in your closet to wear, I know there has been at least one time in your life where you’ve put on an outfit, looked in the mirror, and thought, “Damn, I’m a total vibe!” You have the power to make that happen anytime you want (once you know your style, that is).


Style Discovery + Alignment Session:

Conducting a deep dive into your preferences and aspirations to precisely define and solidify your unique style identity. This session ensures every aspect of the styling process resonates with your personal and professional image.


Scenario Looks Development:

Crafting outfits tailored to your typical daily activities and events, ensuring each look meets both personal preferences and professional requirements.


Closet Audit:

Assessing your current wardrobe, helping to decide what to keep, alter, donate, or sell, and identifying what new items might be needed to fill gaps or update your style. The purpose of the closet audit is to clear out stale energy by removing low vibe clothing that no longer resonates with you and revitalizing the high vibe pieces you already own. I’ll help you strategize and show you how to use what you have.


Personal Shopping List:

Developing an intentional and strategic list of items to enhance your daily wardrobe. This approach ensures each purchase is purposeful and cohesive, minimizing clutter and preventing unnecessary shopping. A well-curated wardrobe not only saves time and energy but also promotes a clearer, more focused mindset, allowing you to concentrate on what truly matters.


Personalized Style Deck:

Creating a visual guide with key look examples for each of your daily scenarios. The standard package includes 15 fully styled and sourced looks, tailored to your lifestyle and professional engagements.


Additional Look Creations:

Offering the flexibility to add more outfits to your lookbook, providing a robust selection tailored to each lifestyle scenario.



Style is strategic. It can provide an ROI and should be a major part of your marketing strategy.


The way you present yourself reflects your brand and everything about who you are. The key is to be intentional about the story it tells and how it enhances your brand. 

Your wardrobe must reflect all the different versions of yourself.


Want To DIY?

If you prefer a hands-on approach to discovering and perfecting your personal style, my Style Alignment course is perfect for you!

This course will guide you through every step to confidently curate a wardrobe that truly reflects your unique identity.

Learn at your own pace and transform your style on your terms.